As you begin to live in the present moment you will experience a subtle but profound change. Worrying about the future will cease. A deep peace will enfold you, a peace that says ' all is well. There is nothing to fear. Everything is unfolding according to plan, and you are being guided each step along the way.
Welcome to Amethyst.
My guided path.

Tumbled and Natural Healing Crystals
Explore our selection of tumbled and natural healing crystals each filled with their own healing capabilities. Crystals or healing stones, promote the flow of good energy and rid the body and mind of negative energy.

Smudging & Cleansing
Sacred smoke is prepared by burning sacred or medicinal plants such as sage to purify and cleanse the negative thoughts of a person or place. Explore our selection of elements required to perform a smudge.

Windchimes & Suncatchers
The vibrations and reflections of our selection of windchimes and suncatchers are an amazing addition to your alter, or any room in your home.