As a healing stone, prehnite strengthens the life force and generally increases and stimulates energy flow. These qualities are complimented by the inclusion of epidote. It aids spiritual communication through meditation or visualization and is a powerful dream stone. It is also helpful in the healing of gout, anemia and kidney problems.
Prehnite is used to multiply energy so it’s good for activating crystal grids. It sends healing energies to others through distance healing. Some like to call Prehnite as “prophecy stones” for they give you the ability to see into the future. This is a good choice to use
in dream work, as it allows you to not only remember your dreams, but it also inspires you to remember long-ago thoughts which may be helpful in your personal growth.
Epidote enhances perception and communication with
spiritual beings, promoting spiritual growth. It also eliminates negativity and raises
vibrations. It helps you reconnect and stay grounded with nature. Epidote also helps in
promoting self-development. It instills patience and widens a person’s awareness of his
strengths, weaknesses.