Libyan Gold Tektite also know as Libyan Desert Glass, is a stone that carries powerful sun energy and abundant life force, offering protection for any journey whether physical or metaphysical. It is good for ESP, telepathy, psychic surgery, distant healing, and contact with other worlds. It is good for yin/yang balance.
It can assist in strengthening the will and engaging the Power of manifestation. It is a powerful activator of the Akashic records. Libyan glass will also aid in overcoming fear in social situations and sharpen mental abilities.
Sahara Desert, Libya is the only source. It is a variety of Tektite, which is meteoritic glass created from the extensive heat of a meteorite impact in the Western Desert. It was prized by the ancient Egyptians for ritual jewelry to bring the Sun God to Earth. It also formed part of the protective heart scarab that guided Tutankhamun on his afterlife journey to the stars.