100% of manufacturing profits of Goloka products are used for charitable activities of ISKCON Bangalore. The organization works to eliminate hunger in the classroom by implementing a midday meal program in government schools and government-assisted schools. At the same time, the Akshaya Patra Foundation also aims to combat malnutrition and support the right to education of socially disadvantaged children. More than 1.7 million children in 15,668 schools across 12 Indian states currently benefit.
Archangel Metatron is the scribe and guardian of the Akashic records (book of life). He serves on the purple ray of intuition and wisdom. Metatron is the link in between the divine and the human, he encourages us to peacefully see both sides of any situation.
Archangel Michael is the captain of all the angels and archangels. He serves on God’s blue ray which is the ray of protection. You can ask him for both, physical and spiritual protection. This includes protection from accidents, crime, psychic aggression and much more.
Archangel Haniel is the ray of joy and hope. He serves on the pink ray to bring light in any situations. Ask his help if you want to develop harmonious relationships and heal emotional stress. Haniel will inspire your creativity in music, artistic projects and inventions.
Archangel Melchizedeck is the angelic high priest. He serves on God’s blue ray which is the ray of peace and forgiveness. Ask him if you are uncertain what is the right thing to do in a situation. He is the King of Righteousness.
Archangel Gabriel is the angelic messenger. He serves on the white ray of purity and harmony. Ask him to help you improve your communication skills on all levels in your life. This includes at work or during your dreams, he encourages us to pay closer attention to peoples.
Archangel Raphael serves on the Green ray of divine healing. He is also very helpful when you need to have your physical needs met such as food, clothing and shelter.
Archangel Uriel serves on the ray of wisdom. This ray is yellow and gold. Next time you are having a disagreement with someone, ask him for help in creating a peaceful solution. Uriel can also help in decision-making and learning.