Tiger Eye - Enhances psychic abilities. Promotes clarity. Excellent grounding stone. Helps one to be practical. Eliminates depression. Promotes optimism. Balances yin and yang energies. Balances both halves of the brain. Stimulates wealth and helps one to keep it. Has the energies of sunshine and earth. An excellent all round stone. The stone tends to be disliked by those who are in very great need of grounding, as it grounds them as soon as they are in its presence
Rhodonite - Balances yin and yang energies. Enhances attunement to the spirituality of the Universe. Activates unconditional love. Assists one in achieving their potential. Dispels chaos and anxiety. Removes blockages and stabilizes acid levels
Rainbow Fluorite - Fluorite is often used for meditation. It will remind you to take a step back and focus on seeing the bigger picture, eliminating negativity from your life. Fluorite is known for the sense of peace it can provide by calming the nerves. This stone is often associated with improved mental capabilities, such as better concentration, focus, and decision-making.
Goldstone - Called the stone of ambition, goldstone is thought to assist in attaining goals. Some consider goldstone to be a symbol of ingenuity, ambition, and drive. It believed to reduce tension, revitalize the wearer and encourage a positive attitude. Goldstone renews strength, balances energies and induces happy thoughts
Sodalite - Stone for logical and rational thinking. Eliminates confusion and gives clarity. Eliminates harmful rays from cellular phones and computers. Promotes fellowship in groups. Encourages self-esteem. Enhances the truth. Provides access to the sacred laws of the universe.
Chevron Amethyst -Amethyst helps to enhance your psychic abilities by increasing the activity in the right brain. It produces and strengthens inspiration, intuition, and raises thoughts to a higher spiritual level. By wearing it on your left wrist, it will assist in enabling you to foresee and heighten your spirituality. Recharge your stone under the light of the moon because sunlight may fade its color.
Rose Quartz - Rose Quartz is popularly known as the love stone. It adds positive love energy to relationships, as well as compassion and forgiveness. It also calms the emotions and helps clear stored anger, resentment, jealousy, and fears. Working with Rose Quartz replaces negativity with harmony, balances the upper four chakras, eases sexual/emotional imbalances, and enhances self-confidence and creativity.
Labradorite - Change, strength, and perseverance are associated with labradorite as this stone can help transform a situation. The stone can help nurture you as you summon the courage to show the world who you are. It is like Labradorite itself when the light within must be reflected outwardly for the world to see. It can assist in balancing and cleansing the aura. Ritual work is often done with the use of Labradorite because of its ability to empower and to connect with other frequencies of existence.
Carnelian - Protects against envy, fear & rage. Opens up heart chakra, allowing connection with one's inner self. Grounds base chakra. Gives speaker fluency. Produces precision and inspiration. Provides stabilizing energy in one's home. Encourages love between family members. Can be used to cleanse negativity from other stones. Can be used to increase physical energy.
Rainbow Hematite - dissolves negativity in all forms, particularly useful during healing to ground high vibrational states. Rainbow Hematite returns negatively transmuted to love. Rainbow Hematite assists mental functioning, memory and development. Rainbow Hematite calms the mind and instils deep inner peace.
Clear Quartz - Clear quartz has the ability to enhance mental clarity, so it can help with emotional stability, and it is popular in meditation and restorative work. It's also often used for manifestation and can help create more focus and clarity around a desire.
Opalite is a highly energetic stone. Good for meditation, it can also remove energy blockages, give us strength and improve communication. But above all, it is mostly a healing stone.
Hematite - Hematite is called a Stone for the mind, thanks to its effect
on concentration, focus, and memory. It’s said to enhance original thought and keep
the balance between the mind, spirit, and the body. Hematite is considered to be an
excellent stone to use for treating overindulgence, as it helps overcome compulsions
and addictions by strengthening willpower, confidence, and reliability.