Assorted Dhoop Cones
Sandalwood focuses the mind and bring about a peaceful atmosphere. It has relaxing, soothing, and calming properties.
Nag Champa - This is the original Satya Sai Baba Nag Champa, a traditional hand rolled masala incense made of herbs, resins, flowers and oils. A delightful blend that makes this sweet and earthy fragrance simply the most popular incense in the world!
Palo Santo wood has been used for thousands of years by Shamans and Healers among the Inca population. This Holy Wood provides energetic protection, and removes bad energies. Palo Santo wood is harvested under government supervision by the natives of the Peruvian jungle.
Dragon’s blood enhances meditation and contemplation. It is used to release and banish negativity and promote spiritual enlightenment.