DESCRIPTION: Our stunning leather bound journal is made from light brown leather and features a beautiful hand-embossed designs on the cover, and approximately 125 blank ivory colored pages. A leather tie wraps or button around the journal to keep its content safe and secure. This versatile journal makes a wonderful diary or use it to record your favorite recipes, spells, dreams and sketches.
SYMBOL: The Flower of Life is a template that contains all other geometrical forms. It is a path to spiritual awakening and toward the unity of all consciousness. This structure forms the basis of musical harmony. It is also identical to the cellular structure of the third embryonic division.
SYMBOL: Dream catcher is an ancient spiritual tool used to protect the sleeper from bad dreams.
SYMBOL: The Elephant Spirit brings power, pride, strength and perseverance. Elephants are patient, even tempered, and live very long.
SYMBOL: The tree of Life is the structure on which the universe is built. It explains the immutable laws of Nature.
SYMBOL: Lapis Lazuli is one of the most sought after stones in use since man's history began. Its deep, celestial blue remains the symbol of royalty and honor, gods and power, spirit and vision. It is a universal symbol of wisdom and truth.